Chapter 1: Confronting the Diagnosis
Chapter 2: High Risk Neuroblastoma
Chapter 3: Coping with Treatment: Side Effects, Comfort and Safety
302 Getting Through Chemotherapy 3:020
303 Surviving Neutropenia 3:030
304 Special Issues with Stem Cell Transplants 3:040
308 What to Expect with Dinutuximab 3:081
309 What to expect with Naxitamab 3:0901
310 Coping with 8H9 Intrathecal Antibodies 3:100
311 Coping with Accutane 3:111
Chapter 4: Getting Through Tests & Scans
Chapter 6: Living With Long-Term Survivorship Issues
Chapter 7: Treating Refractory NB
Chapter 8: Dealing with Relapse
Chapter 9: Managing Emotions
Chapter 10: Keeping Records
Chapter 12: Turning to End of Life Care
Chapter 13: Support Resources
1301 Directory of On-Line Resources 13:010
1304 Travel Guide: Bethesda, MD/NIH 13:040
1305 Travel Guide: New York City/MSKCC 13:050
1306 Travel Guide: UCSF/San Francisco 13:060
1307 Travel Guide: Philadelphia/CHOP 13:070
1308 Travel Guide: Chicago/CMH 13:080
1311 Travel Guide: Burlington, VT/UV 13:110
1314 Finding Other Families: Listservs and On-line Communities 13:140